
Gold Sponsor

Join .orgCommunity to advance your professional development through exclusive peer to peer advisory groups, events, education, research and handcrafted connections.

How We Help

Visionary Education, Authentic Community. .orgCommunity connects you to a vibrant network of association executives, entrepreneurs, and strategic partners dedicated to shaping the future of associations. When you join .orgCommunity you gain access to collaborative events, small group learning opportunities, and peer-to-peer counsel with trusted allies, mentors, and friends who share your passion for excellence. We support association executives, director level and higher, who often carry the burden of reporting to the board, managing staff, and leading and serving members. If that’s you, this is your community. We know you can be pressed to solve amazingly complex problems in your role. .orgCommunity was designed to provide you with an authentic network of peers, high-level education, and strategic envisioning so you shine at your next board meeting.

.orgCommunity Testimonial

 Join .orgCommunity today! .orgCommunity connects you to a vibrant network of association executives, entrepreneurs, and strategic partners dedicated to shaping the future of associations. When you join .orgCommunity you gain access to collaborative events, small group learning opportunities, and peer-to-peer counsel with trusted allies, mentors, and friends who share your passion for excellence.

Why you should attend .orgCommunity events

Meet the disruptors, innovators, and cultural shape-shifters who are fearlessly reinventing the association world. If you and your team strive to work better, faster and smarter, Solutions Day is the place to start. You’ll learn how associations are redesigning their operations to seize technological advantage and position themselves for success in an era of disruption.

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